I painted a door.... it was the same nasty blue as the rest of trim was and for some reason we didn't repaint it when we painted the garage...
Then we fixed this down spot.
And we paid some local folk to come do this...
a big trench |
became a curb |
a lot of rebar |
became a garage floor |
and a big truck came twice and dumped a lot of gravel |
So what's left?
Rich installed two new garage doors.... |
And next weekend he will be installing two garage door openers.. at which point I will start actually pulling into the garage...i can't wait...
This week I start a new job. I accepted a full time position as a team coordinator for a local hospice. It's been at least eight years since I worked outside the home. It's going to be quite the change....and I am very excited...
Congratulations on the new job. How exciting.
Make sure you find some time for sewing!
Looking great Nancy! congratulations on the new job. I believe that is what my daughter's job is in her area. She is an RN, so it is at least something similar. I know she works for hospice.
Best of luck with the new job and the whole new schedule you'll have now! Things continue to look really good there at your new place....keep up the good work!
Wahoo!! Everything is looking great!!!! Congratulations on the new job!!!
Congratulations and good wishes on your new adventure. Be sure to keep us posted!!
Looking good!!!
Good luck on your new job. what a life changing experience that could be.
Hope you and your pin cushion make it Tuesday night!
It's been a while since I commented, but your place is looking wonderful, Nancy! And you will love parking inside a garage. I hope your new job is a good fit for you, it sure will be a challenge to be working full time again, but I'm glad you are excited!
I am always amazed when I come check out the work and how you and your husband have transformed this place. Such an accomplishment. And congratulations on your new job. My mom was in hospice and got such wonderful care. I know it is a fabulous service they provide.
Congrats on your new job! It may have been 8 yrs since you worked OUTSIDE the home put you and your hub have sure worked hard ON your home! It's a lovely spot - with pond. Sallee
Hope you're enjoying the new job. You must be just about at the end of the list of jobs that needs to be done around the house and yard.
You two accomplish so much! I'm lucky to get the dishes done and the bed made! LoL... Nope not quite that bad.
Add my congrats too on the new job. How are you liking it by now? It's been a week. I've been thinking about one also... we shall see. I may need to be making another wedding dress soon. My Nephew is getting married soon...
Just got back from Oregon up to see my folks and our son and family plus my brother... it was my folks 50th wedding anniversary. The gal who made the cake didn't show up so my SIL went to go get another one... come to find that the cake lady and her son were carrying the cake and it fell right onto the flowers that were to be added to the cake. So she had to go get another cake (her friend at Safeway had one) but she had to decorate it all over again! Plus go get new flowers! Poor gal was a nervous wreck by the time she caught up with us. We told her these things happen, but she was still feeling pretty bad!
Take care...
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